July 11

Video Audio: What You Need to Know About Audio for Video Production


video audio

Quality audio for your video is absolutely ESSENTIAL.

Viewers are more forgiving of a crummy video image than they are of bad audio. If the sound on your video is bad, people simply WILL NOT WATCH! Sad but true, and I’ve seen it a million times.

If you improve the audio quality of your videos, they will be more watchable and you will achieve greater success.

But how do you make sure to get good audio? Quality audio in video production brings up a lot of questions.

  • What kind of microphones should I use?
  • What are the pros and cons of different types of microphones?
  • How do I use a microphone for best results?
  • Do I need to spend extra on a wireless microphone?
  • Can I just use the microphone attached to my camcorder?
  • What about music for my video?

Getting good quality audio does not have to be hard, nor does it require expensive microphones.

Although expensive mics are nice. 🙂

But more than expensive microphones, you need to know how to use them correctly.  Microphones  have different pickup patterns, strengths and weaknesses.

Simple things, like making sure you record in a quiet place, make a big difference.  So, It’s not that hard, but it is critical to get right. Like I said at the top of the page, if your video has poor quality audio, people will not be willing to suffer through it and watch.  Don’t expect to just clean up bad audio in post-production either, that’s never a good idea.  Post-production is for mixing your elements together and creating a story, not for correcting mistakes, although that can happen too.

The links to the posts below will explain different aspects of audio as it relates to video making. Explore these posts for a big boost in your ability to create videos with quality audio.

video audio waveform image


A Guide for Choosing Microphones

Easy Audio for Video: Can I use my camcorder mic?

All About Wireless Microphones

Coming Up With a Dynamite Soundtrack for Your Movie

Mackie Audio Mixer Review

Review of Sony ECM 44B Lavalier Mic

Get a Custom Score for Your Video

Using Adapter Cables With Your Microphone

Using Royalty Free Music in Video Production


Audio for Video, audio production, audio production techniques, get good audio for your video, recording audio for video, sound for video, video production audio, video sound production

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  1. Our entire production workflow from capture through final output is designed to not only produce high-quality video but, surprisingly, to produce this quality at the lowest possible cost. Instead of cutting corners in quality to save money, we realize significant savings because of the efficiency of the total end-to-end workflow; high-quality products can be produced with minimal professional time required in the end-to-end production chain.

  2. Hi Silver price.

    That sounds like a good example of efficiency. Sometimes cutting corners is merely penny wise and pound foolish.
    Thanks for your insight.


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