Animation allows filmmakers to tell stories in any fantastical realm they wish, no matter how unreal.  This can be fabulous fun for both audiences and filmmakers. How many of these popular animated movies have you seen? Grave of the Fireflies, 1988 The Lion King, 1994 How to Train Your Dragon, 2010 Spirited Away, 2001 Toy

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Projects For Beginning Film Maker One of the skills you need to develop to create professional-quality videos is the ability to think visually. Instead of words, you communicate using pictures. What visual cues can you – as the film director – show the viewer so he or she “gets” it?  Here are sone of the

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You’ll be amazed by how realistic the green screen effect looks in these clips from popular TV shows and movies. Green screen gives a video maker creative options on a budget.

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If you want people to watch your video, then you have to get quality sound. Bad audio can ruin and otherwise great video! Here are tips for improving your sound when making videos.

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Making video is a wonderful activity for children. Here is an in-depth example of effective ways to teach kids how to make video and shows how much they gain from the experience.

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