November 17

What Makes a Video Go Viral?

Whenever a new viral video sensation hits the internet, it might seem a bit random and unpredictable.

Why, out of the 60,000 videos uploaded to YouTube daily, does this or that one become super popular?  Why do people all over the world love watching it over and over?

Most videos on YouTube don’t get anywhere near one million views.  I think most folks are lucky to get 1,000, or even 100.

What makes a video stand out from the crowd?  Dynamic Logic studied popular online videos and concluded that the acronym LEGS answered the mystery.

LEGS stands for:

  • Laugh
  • Edgy
  • Gripping
  • Sexual

To that list, I would like to add:

  • Unusual
  • Real
  • Relatable
  • Compelling
  • Joy-inducing, or awe-inspiring

Of course, URRCJIAI doesn’t spell an easy to remember word, but I still think all those attributes go into viral video sensations just as much as the LEGS attributes.

If you are trying to manufacture a hit video, the hardest one of these attributes to include would probably be REAL.  This is why it is hard to manufacture a hit video.  If you fake it, you have to make sure that works with the theme of your video.

This video below of the 50 most-watched videos, which features clips from lots of different viral videos, has dozens of examples of hit video.  So it explains a lot in a short period of time, just by showing examples.   There is no narration, the clips speak for themselves.

Watch these clips and see how many of them fit either LEGS or URRCJIAI.


No matter how much it is studied and quantified, there is no doubt in my mind that it’s not entirely predictable because let’s face it, RANDOM is indeed part of the equation!

But as a producer, it pays to know what common traits are found in popular videos.  Then, you can make sure those traits are part of your video.    Sorry that URRCJIAI is not as easy to remember as LEGS.  You’ll just have to write it down, I guess!

Thanks for reading Video Production Tips.

Lorraine Grula


  • How many videos were uploaded every single day to YouTube at the time this article was written?
  • Name at least 6 attributes of a popular video.
  • Think abut the videos you like to watch on YouTube.  Do they fit the mold of what is normally popular?



online video, viral videos

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  1. Great points Lorraine. I would also add that you don’t have to produce a mega hit on youtube or any other social media platform to get noticed. A few thousands views per video can bring in a flood of business. As you said in your post, I think as long as you adhere to the main principles, you’ll be ahead of most when it comes to producing and distributing viral videos.

  2. Hi Kris.
    You are so right. You do not need the ten zillion view video to have it be worthwhile. Actually, I think for marketing purposes, you do not need to worry so much about a video going viral in the way Susan Boyle did or the dancing wedding couple. That is wonderful and all, but few businesses will achieve that and video can help you get lots of traffic and business even if it is not a viral sensation. I think viral sensations and business videos are examples of video being used in two entirely different ways. For business and marketing, I personally think the best and most effective videos are ones that would never go viral…simple talking head videos introducing yourself to your customers and giving them a call to action and way to contact you. Adding interactivity to a talking head is sufficient for that.

  3. This post is most helpful to me. I am a grad student studying the phenomena of viral video and positive messages in the online community. This is the closest thing to a concrete definition of “Viral Video” that I have found. I personally love that you have noticed that most of the million+ vids have had a positive undertone.

    Thanks for the insight and I look forward to seeing more from you!


  4. Hi Jvalent.
    Thanks a million for leaving such a nice comment. I always love to hear that my blog helps people! I bet you have lots of insight on this subject too and you could probably teach me a thing or two! Good luck with your studies.

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