This website is dedicated to providing a quality educational experience for secondary school students by creating and developing engaging lessons on all aspects of video production. To achieve that goal, our curriculum adheres to the professional educational and instructional design standards developed and established by leading orgaizations for film and video education, plus the states

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Animation allows filmmakers to tell stories in any fantastical realm they wish, no matter how unreal.  This can be fabulous fun for both audiences and filmmakers. How many of these popular animated movies have you seen? Grave of the Fireflies, 1988 The Lion King, 1994 How to Train Your Dragon, 2010 Spirited Away, 2001 Toy

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Movie making is all about creating a unique world of make believe. With stop-motion animation, you can bring any of these dolls to life as a living character in your movie. Sound fun?  Read on! Stop-motion animation is a style of film animation you have no doubt seen before, but might not have known what

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Have you ever heard films or TV shows referred to as “moving pictures, or motion pictures?”  Probably, but it helps to know the true meaning behind the term if you want to learn how to make videos yourself. When film was first invented, people were absolutely enthralled with the magic new technology, so “moving picture”

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Final Cut Pro 10 is still a popular video editing program after being in the market for over a decade.  Honestly, I’m shocked.  It seemed like the worst marketing debacle since New Coke at the time, which was June, 2011. FCPX introduction was met with outrage by most of the professional video editing community, which

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Video Storytelling: How To Make Any Story Your Own. .CAMP – More than boxing from Lewis Masei on Vimeo. Video Storytelling Explained It’s a tale as old as time: a father lovingly passes down wisdom to his son, which then defines the son’s life.  How many creative ways do you think this beautiful story has

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Projects For Beginning Film Maker One of the skills you need to develop to create professional-quality videos is the ability to think visually. Instead of words, you communicate using pictures. What visual cues can you – as the film director – show the viewer so he or she “gets” it?  Here are sone of the

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Documentary filmmaking is a subcategory of film and video production where the production crew creates a work of journalism rather than a fictional movie. Instead of making up fictional characters and creating a world of make-believe, the documentary filmmaker’s job is to document real life and real people by accurately and fairly telling their stories.   Journalism

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Take a look at these eight marketing characters advertising national brands.  How many do you recognize? Do you know what product or company they represent? Every single time I showed pictures of marketing characters like this to my media students, 6-12, they instantly knew almost every single character  They knew both the character name and

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Now that you have studied character marketing, it is time to come up with an original video commercial, featuring a character. YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Your assignment is to create and produce an original TV commercial using at least one character. Your commercial will promote a product using your character and established marketing techniques.   (You can make

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